Dr. Barnes Co-Chairs Gordon Research Seminar
March 7, 2020
Dr. Ryan Barnes had the honor of serving as co-chair for the Gordon Research Conference: DNA Damage, Mutation, and Cancer in Ventura, CA on March 1-6, 2020. Dr. Barnes co-organized the Gordon Research Seminar (GRS), the trainee-oriented meeting preceding a GRC conference, with Judit Jimenez-Sainz of Yale University. The focus of this meeting was on DNA damage responses, mutagenesis processes, genetic and genomic alterations, cancer mechanisms, and targeted therapy. Aishwarya Prakash, PhD (University of South Alabama Mitchell Cancer Institute) was the keynote speaker and served on a mentoring panel with Tiago Faial (Nature Genetics), Anthony Forget (Intellia Therapeutics), Hannah Klein (New York University School of Medicine), and Jeremy Stark (City of Hope). Dr. Barnes presented a posted entitled “Oxidative base damage to telomere induces p53 dependent growth arrest.”